Thursday 4.12.12
-2c Purple Cauliflower
-2c Broccoli
-4 Carrots
-2 Kale stalks
-1/2 Cucumber
-1 Apple
Yields 2c of delish juice
I'm kicking myself for not starting this sooner. I'm not a big veggie eater, but this makes it ridiculously easy to get in your recommended daily intake. Stay tuned in for tomorrow's recipe!
Today's WOD(s):
7:00am Endurance: 2 x 200 meters, 2 x 400 meters, 2 x 600 meters
3:00 pm: Fight Gone Bad. Purpose was to work on pacing and progressively increase reps/round.
6:00 pm: Mile repeats x2 followed by 100 squats AFAP & 100 sit-ups AFAP.
I will definitely try this and let you know if I agree with you. Winners will be posted on too !
Do it! It's good!
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