
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Today's the Day!

The excitement and anticipation I felt today waiting for the regional workouts to be released was second to none. In one week I'll be in San Antonio competing against the best athletes in our region. It's really starting to sink in, and I know I'm about to face the biggest challenge ever...AND I CAN'T WAIT!!! Check out my facebook page for the WODs. 

So today's juice is an easy one - straight veggie!

- 2 Stalks of Celery
-1 Head of Romaine Lettuce
-1 cup of Broccoli 
-2 cups of Cabbage 
-1 Cucumber

Monday, April 16, 2012

Shake what your mama gave yah!

I have a good one for you today. Today's juice was the perfect pre-wod snack. It helped me lift an 800lb dead lift PR! Psyche! It really did satisfy my sweet tooth and give me an extra boost, though. Before I let the juice loose, I'll let you in on today's work outs. 

30 Box Jumps (24''/20'')
12 Hand Stand Push Ups
25 KB Swings (53lb/35lb)
Rest 3 minutes

Chest to Bar Pull-ups
30" Box Jumps
GHD Sit-Ups

Cool Down: 100 Squats AFAP; 100 Sit-ups AFAP 
*AFAP: As Fast As Possible

Okay, now that you know my pain, i'll let you in on the recipe.

JOTD: Citrus Veggie
- 1 lb of carrots
- 2 Oranges
- 1/2 Lemon
- 4 Kale leaves
- 1 Stalk of Broccoli 

I've come to find out that anything with carrots/oranges is a win. 

On a side note: If you haven't seen the movie 'Detachment', you need to...RIGHT NOW! 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Funday

I'm switching it up today and making my juice a little sweeter. Ch-ch-check it out. 

"Sweet Kale Juice"
-4 Kale Leaves 
-1 mango
-2 Kiwi

Fear not, this is an actual recipe. A delicious one. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Road Trippin'

Back from Austin in high spirits. Today our BCCF regional team trained with CrossFit Austin's best. We competed in two team WOD's, and got a little preview of what's to come on April 27th. I'm mostly excited about my shoulder holding up and making it through one of the grueling, 40 minute workouts. Ok, I'll tell you what it was...

WOD#1: Team of 2
1 OHS (155/105), 1 Muscle-up
2 OHS, 2 Muscle-Ups
3 OHS, 3 Muscle-Ups
so on and so on...
10 min AMRAP

WOD #2: Team of 4
20 Rounds of cindy
200 Ground to Over-head (135/95)
300 Double-Unders
5000 Meter row
For Time

Damn is right! It was crazy, but I got just enough recovery time to keep the intensity up.

I think I'll experiment today and see what happens...

Here's what I'm thinking:
-1/4 lb of spinach
-2 stalks of red kale
-2 c of broccoli
-1 Apple
-2 kiwi
-1 lemon
I haven't tried it yet, but I'll let you know how it tastes. BRB (that means 'be right back' for you n00bs ;)

Well...I'm not gonna lie. It's not my best work, but not my worst. Try it and let me know what you think.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Boo yah! Didn't think I'd be back so soon, did you?

Juice of the Day: Green Machine
-1 head lettuce leaves
-2 stalks of celery
-2 stalks of kale
-1/4 lb of spinach
-2 green apples

It's green, DRINK IT!

Today was a much needed recovery day. Off to Austin tomorrow to train with CrossFit Austin's team.
I've been juicing for 6 days now and can feel a significant difference in energy levels. It may also be due to cutting out sugar or getting more sleep, but I'm giving the cred to the juice. 'Til tomorrow, friends. Peace!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I admit it - I'm JUICING!

Not that kind of juicing, fools - the good kind! Firstly, I'd like to share my personal challenge with ya'll. My plan is use my Jack LaLanne's Power Juicer every day for 21 days, and share my recipes via blog. It's really a juicing/blogging challenge.  I will also be sharing my regional training workouts for those of you wondering what we do to prepare for competition. Feel free to give feedback and post recipes. 

Thursday 4.12.12
-2c Purple Cauliflower 
-2c Broccoli 
-4 Carrots
-2 Kale stalks 
-1/2 Cucumber
-1 Apple 
Yields 2c of delish juice

I'm kicking myself for not starting this sooner. I'm not a big veggie eater, but this makes it ridiculously easy to get in your recommended daily intake. Stay tuned in for tomorrow's recipe!

Today's WOD(s):
7:00am Endurance: 2 x 200 meters, 2 x 400 meters, 2 x 600 meters
3:00 pm: Fight Gone Bad. Purpose was to work on pacing and progressively increase reps/round. 
6:00 pm: Mile repeats x2 followed by 100 squats AFAP & 100 sit-ups AFAP. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Zoning IN!

After months of excuses and ignoring my body's plea for adequate nutrition, I finally made the jump from the contemplative stage, to the action stage of change.  Last Monday, Aug. 22, I started the Zone Diet*.  What's the Zone Diet? If you're not familiar with it you're probably sitting there with your arms crossed waiting to hear some bullshit, lose weight fast claim.  Sit tight - I'll explain myself. Unlike most other fad diets, the Zone doesn't restrict certain foods, track points or tell you what not to eat.  It simply gives us a template for optimal macro-nutrient ratios.  The author, Dr. Barry Sears, claims that zoned meals consisting of 40% CHO - 30% Protein - 30% Fat put us in a metabolic state in which our body works at peak efficiency.  Pretty bold claim, huh? Well, if you're like me you'd want to put that claim to the test.  There were a few things that turned me off to the Zone, at first, but I quickly realized it was my lazy side making excuses and resisting change.  It is tedious and time consuming for the first few weeks, but well worth it in the long run.      

I knew following this diet would require a lot of time and effort, so I pre-cooked most of my food, printed out a zone block cheat sheet and created a static menu for the week to keep things simple. To make it more user friendly, a zoned meal consists of blocks to make meal planning easier.  

1 Block of Protein = 7g of Protein
1 Block of Fat = 1.5g of Fat
1 Block of CHO = 9g of CHO

How do I know how many blocks I need per meal? Again, keep things simple. Rather than calculating my percentage from my BMR (+activity) recommendation, I simply referred to a block chart that gave me an approximation of how many blocks I would need per meal/day, based on my body type. On training days I increased my snack sizes from 1 block to 2-3 blocks. I can't stress enough how important it is to listen to your body and experiment with different amounts.  Some days you may need more food than others.  The block chart is a reference/starting point. It's not a personal Rx that is concrete.  Over the past week my range has gone from 17 blocks/day to 20 depending on my needs. 

"Medium Sized Male" 
Recommended Blocks: (3) 5 block meals and (2) 1 block snacks. 
Total - 17 Blocks

Monday 8/22/11
Protein - 3 Eggs, 2oz Steak  (one egg = 1 block, 1oz steak = 1 block)
Fat - 5 tbs of Avocado (1 tbs = 1 block)
CHO - 1c of Black Beans + 3/8c of orange juice (1/4c = 1 block of black beans, 3/8c = 1 block of OJ)

My first thought as I looked down at my breakfast was ,"Crap, I think I measured wrong - this is huge!!". Surprisingly I finished every bite, and didn't feel I had over-eaten.  I followed my menu plan for the rest of the day and noticed an immediate change.  My energy level increased, my mood was steady, and fatigue hit me a lot later in the day than it usually did.  Today is day 9, and I have a pretty good grasp on it. I highly recommend trying the Zone Diet, even if it's for a week.  Not only because of the results you'll feel, but most importantly it will familiarize you with portion sizes, macro-nutrient value and overall food awareness.  No matter what your diet consists of, you will most likely find some success if you're aware of what, and how much food is going into your mouth. If you want to see my week 1 menu just shoot me an email and I'd be glad to send it over.  Personally, I know I need structure and consistency to succeed at any new goal, so my meals are pretty much the same every day.

Food for Thought - "Stages of Change" 
Where are you? There's no right and wrong - the key is awareness.

  • Pre-contemplation – Not intending to take action in the foreseeable future, and are most likely unaware that behavior is problematic
  • Contemplation – begin to recognize that behavior is problematic, and start to look at the pros and cons of continued actions. "On the fence".
  • Preparation – Intending to take action in the immediate future, and may begin taking small steps towards change.
  • Action – Make specific overt modifications in life style - positive change has occurred
  • Maintenance – Working to prevent relapse - stage can last indefinitely
  • Relapse - Resumption of old behaviors. "Fall from grace" mentality.

Chew on that for a second. 

Think about your goals and ask yourself if it's worth it to take the next step. If it's not, that's okay.  You'll know if/when the time comes. 

The End

I rarely use the word 'diet' because of its negative, restrictive, connotation, but I feel it's time to hit you with some truth. 
Food and drink considered in terms of its qualities,composition, and its effects on health.
A particular selection of food, especially as designed or prescribed to improve a person's physical condition or to prevent or treat a disease.
That's all it you don't have to cringe at the sound of the word :)

Kenny Powers QOD: ''What's up, dog? I killed you."