Back from Austin in high spirits. Today our BCCF regional team trained with CrossFit Austin's best. We competed in two team WOD's, and got a little preview of what's to come on April 27th. I'm mostly excited about my shoulder holding up and making it through one of the grueling, 40 minute workouts. Ok, I'll tell you what it was...
WOD#1: Team of 2
1 OHS (155/105), 1 Muscle-up
2 OHS, 2 Muscle-Ups
3 OHS, 3 Muscle-Ups
so on and so on...
10 min AMRAP
WOD #2: Team of 4
20 Rounds of cindy
200 Ground to Over-head (135/95)
300 Double-Unders
5000 Meter row
For Time
Damn is right! It was crazy, but I got just enough recovery time to keep the intensity up.
I think I'll experiment today and see what happens...
Here's what I'm thinking:
-1/4 lb of spinach
-2 stalks of red kale
-2 c of broccoli
-1 Apple
-2 kiwi
-1 lemon
I haven't tried it yet, but I'll let you know how it tastes. BRB (that means 'be right back' for you n00bs ;)
Well...I'm not gonna lie. It's not my best work, but not my worst. Try it and let me know what you think.